Introduction: VoIP Wholesale Terms And Jargons

VoIP technology is revolutionizing business communication, but the jargon-filled industry can be daunting for newcomers. Understanding these terms is crucial for leveraging VoIP effectively.

What is VoIP?

 Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP,  Wholesale Terms And Jargons, enables voice communication over the internet, providing a cost-effective alternative to traditional phone lines. 

Common VoIP and VoIP Wholesale Terms and Jargons


1. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): A technology that allows voice calls to be made over the internet by converting analog voice signals into digital data packets. This method offers significant cost savings, flexibility, and enhanced call quality. For a deeper dive into VoIP, check out our article What is VOIP (Voice) Wholesale?.

2. VoIP Wholesale: The practice of buying and selling VoIP services in bulk. As the name suggests, it’s about dealing with large volumes of VoIP traffic. Companies like Progressive Telecom LLC specialize in this, ensuring businesses get the best rates and quality. Learn more about the journey of VoIP wholesale with Wholesale VoIP: A Journey with Progressive Telecom LLC.

3. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol): A signaling protocol used for initiating, maintaining, and terminating real-time sessions that include voice, video, and messaging applications. It’s essential for VoIP technology.

4. RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol): Used in conjunction with SIP, RTP defines a standardized packet format for delivering audio and video over the internet.

5. Codec (Coder-decoder): A software used to compress and decompress digital audio data. Different codecs can affect the sound quality and bandwidth required for a call.

6. NAT (Network Address Translation): A method where IP addresses are mapped from one realm to another, aiding in traffic routing.

7. QoS (Quality of Service): Refers to the performance level of a service, ensuring transmission rates, error rates, and other characteristics can meet the specific requirements of the VoIP application.

8. PBX (Private Branch Exchange): A private telephone network used within a company, allowing users to communicate internally and externally using different communication channels like VoIP.

9. Hosted PBX: A PBX system operated and maintained by a VoIP service provider, eliminating the need for businesses to invest in complex hardware.

10. SIP Trunk: A virtual version of an analog phone line, enabling users to place calls over the internet.

11. Call Center: A centralized department to which phone calls from current and potential customers are directed.

12. IVR (Interactive Voice Response): A technology allowing humans to interact with computers using voice or DTMF tones input via a keypad.

13. Carrier: A company that provides telecommunications services, often at a wholesale level.

14. Reseller: A company that purchases telecommunications services in bulk from carriers and sells them to businesses or consumers.

15. Aggregator: A company that buys telecommunications services from multiple carriers and sells them to businesses, ensuring a mix of routes and better pricing.



16. ACD – Average Call Duration: The average time a call lasts. It’s a crucial metric for understanding call patterns and usage.



17. ASR – Average Success Rate: This metric provides insights into the percentage of answered calls, helping businesses gauge the quality of their VoIP service.



18. PDD – Post Dial Delay: The time taken between dialing a number and hearing a ring or a voice. In VoIP, a lower PDD is preferred for a better user experience.



19. SIP Codes: These are response codes indicating the status of the SIP requests, helping in troubleshooting.



20. Route: The path taken by the call to reach its destination. The quality of the route affects the call’s success rate.



21. Traffic Profile: A representation of the call patterns, including metrics like ACD, PDD, and ASR.



22. FAS – False Answer Supervisor: A type of VoIP fraud where the call appears to be answered, but in reality, it’s not.



23. Codec: Software used to compress and decompress voice signals for transmission.



24. CLI – Caller Line Identification: The number displayed on the recipient’s phone during an incoming call.



25. CLI Quality vs. NCLI Quality: CLI Quality ensures the recipient sees the correct number, while NCLI might display a different or no number.



26. Retail Traffic vs. Wholesale Traffic: Retail traffic comes from one operator and is considered clean. In contrast, wholesale traffic can come from various sources, including retail and call centers.



27. Rate, Sell Rate, Buy Rate, and Profit: These terms revolve around the pricing of VoIP services, with the profit being the difference between the sell rate and the buy rate.

How VoIP Works?

VoIP technology converts your voice into digital signals, transmitting them over the internet, thus enabling seamless communication without relying on traditional phone lines.

Benefits of VoIP and VoIP wholesale

VoIP technology offers numerous advantages, including significant cost savings, flexibility, scalability, improved call quality, and a plethora of enhanced features. For businesses, partnering with a reputable VoIP wholesale provider like Progressive Telecom LLC ensures they leverage these benefits to the fullest

Challenges of VoIP and VoIP wholesale

While VoIP is transformative, it’s not without challenges. Concerns around security, compliance, and technical support need addressing, especially in the wholesale domain.

Conclusion: VoIP Wholesale Terms And Jargons

 Grasping VoIP terminology empowers you to make informed decisions and maximize the benefits of this innovative communication technology. 

The world of VoIP is vast, filled with jargon that can often be overwhelming. However, with a clear understanding of these terms, businesses can make informed decisions, ensuring they harness the power of VoIP effectively. As the industry continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest terms and technologies becomes paramount. For those keen on diving deeper into the world of VoIP, our articles, such as How to Use VoIP Metrics to Improve Your Business and History of VoIP and Internet Telephony, offer valuable insights.



For those interested in partnering with a reputable VoIP wholesale provider, Progressive Telecom LLC offers unparalleled services, ensuring quality and reliability in all your communication needs.

Simplify Your VoIP Journey with Progressive Telecom!
Confused by VoIP jargon? Let us help you navigate the complexities with ease. Learn more about how our expert solutions can streamline your communication needs and keep you ahead in the VoIP landscape!

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